NEW TAA Education Foundation (TAAEF) Resource: Updating & Improving Maintenance Job Descriptions

Recruiting talent is essential in all aspects of rental housing. However, our industry struggles most with recruiting, hiring, and retaining maintenance team members. Why is this the case? A simple search of maintenance job descriptions often reveals outdated criteria and unrealistic expectations for experience and training. As seasoned personnel retire, and replacements lack the same level of training, this issue will become even more pressing as we work to attract and train the next generation of maintenance professionals.

Typically, we find that companies are focusing on the WRONG things in a job description. While it is important that the job seeker knows about your company and the details of the position, it must be shared in a way that speaks to their interests, skills and how they can be successful. The objective of this guide is to help companies evaluate their recruiting efforts, particularly in crafting job descriptions that effectively attract new maintenance talent into the multifamily industry.

Many thanks to Mark Cukro, Service Team Training, for his partnership in the development of this guide. 

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