Member Innovation Spotlight: Tony Sousa’s Transformational Journey with RPM Living


The multifamily industry is dynamic and ever-evolving, with leaders who not only grow and adapt, but also who reinvent themselves, dare to try new things, and drive innovation. One such leader is Tony Sousa, Vice President of Marketing Relations at RPM Living. With a diverse career spanning from media and teaching, to acting and multifamily industry leadership, Tony’s journey is a testament to hard work, adaptability, and the power of personal branding. We had the privilege of sitting down with him recently, and are eager to share his story, leadership journey in the multifamily industry, the building of his personal brand, how he balances work and family life, and more in Texas Apartment Association’s Member Innovation Spotlight.

From Leasing Consultant to Multifamily Thought Leader

Tony’s entry into the multifamily industry was almost serendipitous. He got his start as a leasing consultant—a role he jumped into with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. His journey wasn’t straightforward; instead, it was a series of challenges and opportunities that required ingenuity, work ethic, and creativity. He said yes to a lot of projects which helped him navigate up and through organizations, but there wasn’t a clear path, and there were challenges along the way. “You have to navigate your own career with all types of supervisors and leaders, but ultimately you are responsible for yourself,” Tony reflects.

Before his move into multifamily, Tony had a diverse background as a TV desk editor, teacher, and actor! These prior experiences in media, communications and acting, profoundly influenced his approach to marketing, operations, and even recruiting. “As my career evolved, I thought I had put the media and acting career in a box, but now the experiences and skills I acquired during that chapter of my life come into play all the time,” Tony shares. They are incredibly relevant for storytelling and social media, and his journalism experience in particular gave him the confidence and skills to explore those platforms and evolve into the sought-after industry spokesperson and multifamily thought leader he is today.

Innovation and Culture at RPM Living

Tony’s role at RPM Living has evolved swiftly since he joined the organization in 2022. Initially, he served as Vice President of Operations, but a year and a half into the role, he received a call that would change his career trajectory. The leadership team at RPM Living wanted Tony to represent the company in a different way, as the company spokesperson in a new Vice President of Marketing Relations role which was forged exclusively for Tony.

This role has allowed Tony to carve out a unique position for himself where he acts as the Chief Brand Ambassador and company spokesperson to strengthen the internal company culture across various mediums, and highlight key engagement initiatives and team members. There’s also an external component that humanizes the corporate brand which is achieved by elevating a personal brand within the company. “Collectively, we want to educate the industry to show  that you can align a powerful personal  brand with a powerful corporate brand to make an impact with a strategic approach,” Tony explains.

Tony was specifically tapped for the role due to his intention about building an online community as an operator. That coupled with his skillset and ability to build an organic energy around what is happening in the industry made him the perfect fit as RPM Living’s national spokesperson. The uniqueness in the role now in this modern era, is the social media component in building a community online, and having influence both internally and externally.

As a leader at RPM Living, Tony is committed to fostering an innovative culture within his team. He believes that a positive culture is built through consistent and empathetic leadership. It’s less tangible and more about relationships and expectations of the leadership and mentorship you provide. He says to be mindful of how that happens in order to be deliberate about having conversations and also to provide growth opportunities.

Passion & Propelling Growth in the Multifamily Industry

Tony’s passion for the multifamily industry is palpable. “I do a lot of things out of the well spring, and because this industry has given so much to me, there’s a passion and energy that I want to give back now too,” Tony reflects. He loves people and leadership and seeing the middle rank start to make the realization and connect the dots for their growth. This drives him to stay connected to the ground level—with on-site teams and residents—ensuring that his leadership remains relevant and impactful.

Balancing his day-to-day responsibilities with long-term strategic planning and personal development is a constant challenge, but one that Tony meets head-on. “Right now, everything is aligned, which is a luxury because that doesn’t usually happen,” he notes. His role was designed around his natural skill set, allowing him to lean in, but also be challenged at the same time. The more he learns, the more he can execute; it’s a continuous cycle.

Building a Personal Brand: Tony’s Approach

Tony has developed a strong personal brand in the multifamily industry. For him, a personal brand is akin to a reputation. “If people don’t know you, it’s going to limit you,” he says. As a youngster, Tony’s naivete, outspokenness, and willingness to share his opinions on public forums has now opened doors to conversations and opportunities with multifamily industry leaders. In his younger years, he didn’t worry about what people would think, as he simply wanted to talk about what was important. He now realizes that understanding what people want to hear about is extremely important, and acknowledges that his outspokenness over the years has allowed him to be in rooms and in conversations with impactful  industry leaders.

Tony explains that the integration of digital marketing and social media marketing in property management is robust, and he leverages social media, podcasts, and other platforms to engage with his audience to advance his personal brand. Engagement is the key, but it has to include a larger content management strategy that goes beyond posting and thinking the job is done.

Personal Brand Building Advice for Multifamily Professionals

Tony’s advice for professionals looking to enhance their personal branding is simple: “Think of it as a reputation and an opportunity to communicate with people that you normally wouldn’t have access to.” He emphasizes the importance of consistency, doing your homework, and being prepared for feedback—both good and bad.“ You have to show up and not let your insecurities bubble up and get the best of you. Know the balance between bad feedback and no feedback and put that into perspective,” he says, noting that sometimes someone is simply scared to be the first to engage.

He emphasizes that engagement is key and posting content is not enough. The real impact comes from analyzing engagement, understanding the response, and taking action based on that feedback.

Tony also encourages up and comers to learn both sides of the industry—from marketing to operations and everything in between. He underscores the importance of understanding what it means to be and grow as a leader, and where to find the right resources to do that. “Build an inner circle of leaders who support you, keep you accountable, and who you can bounce ideas off of,” explains Tony. Lastly he says, is to care less about stuff that doesn’t matter, and chuckling as he notes that this definitely gets easier as you get older. Focus on the job, people and industry that matters, and put your energy in the right places.

Balancing Work, Family and the Future

Balancing a demanding career with family life is no easy feat, especially with three children and a brand-new baby. Tony manages this balance through prioritization to rank what comes first—family and faith—while also ensuring he excels in his professional responsibilities. He reprioritizes daily, focusing on what needs to be done now, later, and next week, understanding that not everything on the to-do list will get done in a single day, and being ok with that.

Looking ahead, Tony sees exciting opportunities in the rental housing industry, particularly in the intersection of marketing and technology. He is thrilled to see operators and suppliers building stronger relationships and closing the knowledge gap, which he believes will lead to better communication and collaboration across the industry.

As Tony looks ahead, he is excited about continuing to challenge himself as a thought leader in the multifamily industry. He is passionate about bringing important issues to the forefront, such as AI, company culture, and staff movements. His goal is to help share knowledge and drive conversations that will shape the future of the industry.

Tony’s journey is a powerful example of how diverse experiences, a willingness to innovate, and a commitment to personal growth can lead to a transformative career in the multifamily industry. His impact at RPM Living and in the broader industry continues to inspire professionals and leaders alike.

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