
The Texas Apartment Association is committed to advocating for fair and effective policies that benefit the rental housing industry and the millions of Texans who rely on it.

Read our recent testimony submitted to the Texas Legislature where TAA addresses key issues affecting property owners and managers, provides our perspective on current issues and proposed legislation and potential impacts on housing affordability, regulatory compliance, and operational practices.

TAA Written Testimony to Senate Local Government Committee Regarding Property Taxes

11/07/2024 | Texas Senate Local Government Committee

Read the TAA Written Testimony →

TAA Supports Efforts to Reform the Property Tax Process

09/26/2024 | Texas House Committe on Ways and Means

Read the TAA Written Testimony →

Housing Affordability and the Effects of Institutional Buyers on Prices and Rent

09/12/2024 | Texas House Committee on Business & Industry

Watch the Recorded Hearing →

TAA Urges Texas Legislature to Reduce Property Taxes

09/03/2024 | Texas Senate Finance Committee

Read the TAA Written Testimony →